Jawaban Soal "Choose A,b,c Or D For The Correct Answer! 1. Which One Is The Correct Sentence. A. I Play Soccer And..."

Choose A,b,c Or D For The Correct Answer! 1. Which One Is The Correct Sentence. A. I Play Soccer And... termasuk salah satu soal yang dapat teman-teman lihat solusinya disini.

Kami telah menyiapkan 1 cara menjawab mengenai Choose a,b,c or d for the correct answer! 1. Which one is the correct sentence. a. I play soccer and.... Silakan baca cara mengerjakannya selanjutnya disini:

Choose A,b,c Or D For The Correct Answer!
1. Which One Is The Correct Sentence.
A. I Play Soccer And Basketball. I Like To Study English But I Don't Like The Math.
b. I Play Soccer And Basketball. I Like To Study English But I Don't Like A Math.
c. I Play Soccer And Basketball. I Like To Study English But I Don't Like An Math.
d. I Play Soccer And Basketball. I Like To Study English But I Don't Like Math.
2. I Need To Repaint My ____ In My Library. _____ Bookshelf Looks So Old.
a. Book - A
b. Books - The
c. Bookshelf - A
d. Bookshelf - The
3. There Is ____ Interesting City In The South Of England.
____ City Is Called Brighton. There Is ____ Palace There. ____ Palace Is Fantastic.
a. The - The - A - A
b. An - The - A - The
c. An - The - The - An
d. A - The - An - The
4. The Teacher Told ____ Story About ____ Phone Call.
a. A - A
b. A - The
c. The - An
d. An - The
Yang Bisa Tolong Jawab Dong, Plisss!​

Jawaban: #1:


1. D



4. A

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