Jawaban Soal "Sophie Is Cleven Years Old And The Lives In Brighton, England She Usually Gets Up At A Quarter To Ei..."

Nah .. Bila sobat mau mencari ulasan dari soal Sophie is cleven years old and the lives in Brighton, England She usually gets up at a quarter to ei..., maka teman-teman sudah ada di laman yang tepat.

Btw, kami telah mempunyai 1 ulasan mengenai Sophie is cleven years old and the lives in Brighton, England She usually gets up at a quarter to ei.... Monggo lihat cara menjawabnya selanjutnya di bawah ini:

Sophie Is Cleven Years Old And The Lives In Brighton, England
She Usually Gets Up At A Quarter To Eight, She Has A Show
dressed And Then She Brushes Her Teeth. After That, She Got
downstairs And Has Breakfast For Breakfast She Usually Has
toast And Lange Juice. Then She Brushes Her Teeth Again Because She
likes Them White And Healthy
Then She Grabs Her School Bag And Goes To The Bus Stop To Catch The
school Bus Classes Start At Half Past Eight And Finish At Half Past Lour
She Usually Has Lunch At The School Canteen With Her Schoolmates Of
about 12 O'clock Her Best Friend La Amy And Sophie Always Sits Next To
het At Lunch
After School The Returns Home And Does Her Homework. She Is A Very
hard Working Pupil And She Never Missen School Taskt Alter
homework, She Usually Listens To Music And Watches Television A Bit
At Half Past Seven It Is Time For Dinner. Then She Usually Reads A Book
or Chats With Her Parents For A While.
Finally, She Goes To Bed At About Ten O'clock, But Before That She
brushes Her Teeth Sophie Is A Happy Little Girl!
Answer The Questions About The Text.
1. What Time Does Sophie Get Up?
2 Does She Usually Have A Shower?
3. What Does She Eat For Breakfast?
Order Sophie's Daily Routine.
She Goes To Bed At About Ten O'clock
She Gets Dressed.
She Corches The Bus To School
She Has Lunch Of The School Canteen
She Listens To Music,
She Gets Up.
She Does Her Homework,
She Has A Shower.
She Has Dinner
4. What Does She Drink For Breakfast?
5. What Does She Do After Breakfast?
6. Does She Go To School On Foot?
7. What Time Does School Start?
Write The Sentences In The Interrogative And
negative Formo
8 What Time Does It Finish?
9. Where Does Sophie Usually Have Lunch?
10. Who Is Sophie's Best Friend?
11. What Doos Sophie Do When She Returns Home?
1. Sophie Brushes Her Teeth Three Times A Day
2. She Goes To School By Bus.
3. She Listens To Music,
4. She Chats With Her Parents For A While,
12. How Many Times A Day Does She Brush Her Teeth?
13. Is She A Happy Girl?​

Jawaban: #1:

Answer the questions about the text.

1. What time does Sophie get up?  she gets up at a quarter to eight

2 Does she usually have a shower? Yes, she does

3. What does she eat for breakfast?  she has toast for breakfast

4. Order Sophie's daily routine.

(9) She goes to bed at about ten o'clock

(3) She gets dressed.

(4) She catches the bus to school

(5) She has lunch of the school canteen

(7) She listens to music,

(1) She gets up.

(6) She does her homework,

(2) She has a shower.

(8) She has dinner

5. What does she drink for breakfast?  She drinks orange juice

6. What does she do after breakfast?  She brushes her teeth

7. Does she go to school on foot?  No, she doesn't

8. What time does school start?  It starts at half past eight

9. What time does it finish?  It finishes at half past hour (tidak jelas)

10. Where does Sophie usually have lunch?  She has lunch at the school canteen

11. Who is Sophie's best friend?  Amy is her best friend

12. What does Sophie do when she returns home?  She does her homework

13. How many times a day does she brush her teeth?  She brushes her teeth 3 times a day

14. Is she a happy girl?​ Yes, she is

C . Write the sentences in the interrogative and  negative form!

1. Sophie brushes her teeth three times a day

NEG : Shopie does not brush her teeth three times a day

INT : Does Shopie brush her teeth three times a day

2. She goes to school by bus.

NEG: She does not go to school by bus

INT : Does she go to school by bus?

3. She listens to music.

NEG : She does not listen to music

INT: Does she listen to music?

4. She chats with her parents for a while,

NEG : She does not chat with her parents for a while,

INT : Does she chat with her parents for a while?



Shopie berusia 11 tahun dan tinggal di Brigton, Inggris. Dia biasanya bangun pukul 07.45, dia mandi, ganti baju, dan kemdian menggosok gigi. Setelah itu dia turun tangga dan makan pagi. Dia biasanya makan roti dan jus jeruk. Kemudian dia menggosok gigi lagi karena dia suka melihat giginya putih dan sehat, Kemudian dia mengambil tas dan pergi ke terminal bis. Sekolah dimulai pukul 08.30 dan selesai pukul ... Dia biasanya makan siang dia kantin sekolah dengan teman sekelasnya pukul 12.00. Teman baiknya adalah Amy. Mereka duduk berdampingan ketika makan siang. Setelah sekolah dia pulang dan mengerjakan PR. Dia adalah anak yang rajin dan tak pernah meninggalkan tugas sekolah. Setelah itu dia mendengarkan musik dan menonton TV. 07.30 adalah waktu makan malang. Kemudian dia biasanya membaca buku  atau bercerita dengan orang tuanya sebentar. Akhirnya, dia pergi tidur pukul 10.00 tapi seblumnya dia menggosok gigi. Shopie adalah gadis kecil yang gembira!

Simple present tense: Tense yang menjelaskan kejadian yang terjadi sehari-hari/kebiasaan.

Rumusnya adalah:

(+) Subject + Verb 1

She listens to the music

(-) Subject + Do/does not + Verb 1

She does not listen to the music

(?) Do/does + Subject + Verb 1?

Does she listen to the music?

Yes, she is

No, she is not

Pelajari lebih lanjut

  1. Kalimat simple present tense https://brainly.co.id/tugas/1862584
  2. Rumus simple present tense https://brainly.co.id/tugas/5197840


Detil jawaban

Kelas:  8

Mapel:  Bahasa Inggris

Bab:  Simple present tense

Kode:  8.5.7

Kata Kunci:  Reading comprehension Simple present tense

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