Jawaban Soal "Look At The Picture! Then, Find The Differences Between A Nuclear Family And Lative Family! Mention..."

Apa teman-teman sering diberi soal oleh sekolah? Tapi anda tidak dapat mengerjakannya? Sebenarnya ada banyak cara untuk menyelesaikan PR tsb, salah satunya adalah dengan cara belajar kelompok. Selain itu, mencari kunci jawabannya di situs online bisa menjadi solusi yang baik saat ini.

Btw, kami sudah memiliki 1 kunci jawaban dari Look at the picture! Then, find the differences between a nuclear family and lative family! Mention.... Monggo baca cara mengerjakannya lebih lanjut disini:

Look At The Picture! Then, Find The Differences Between A Nuclear Family And Lative Family! Mention The Members Of Nuclear Family And Relative Family!​

Jawaban: #1:

Nuclear family is primary family that contains of dad, mom, ur liltle/older Sister/brother and usually smaller than Relatives family

while the Relatives family is bigger and contains of relatives such of cousin, Granpa/ma, aunt, and much more

Hope this helps!


families (sumber gambar: www.reilingphotography.com)

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