Jawaban Soal "Y Studying In The Library He's Having His Lunch In The Canteen. They're Having A Meeting In The Teac..."

Y Studying In The Library He's Having His Lunch In The Canteen. They're Having A Meeting In The Teac... adalah salah satu pertanyaan yang bisa sobat baca jawabannya disini.

Kami telah memiliki 1 jawaban atas y studying in the library He's having his lunch in the canteen. They're having a meeting in the teac.... Silakan baca jawabannya selanjutnya disini:

Y Studying In The Library He's Having His Lunch
In The Canteen. They're Having A Meeting In The Teacher Room She's Meeting The Principal They Are Talking About The Football
kalimat -,?,+ Nya

Jawaban: #1:


(+) y studying in the library

(-) y not stuying in the library

(?) do y studying in the library?

(+)he's having his lunch in the canteen

(-)he's not having his lunch in the canteen

(?)does he having his lunch in the canteen?

(+)they're having a meeting in the teacher room

(-) they're not having a meeting in the teacher room

(?) are they having a meeting in the teacher room?

(+)she's meeting the principal

(-)she's not meeting the principal

(?)is she meeting the principal?

(+)they are talking about the football

(-)they are not talking about the football

(?)are they talking about the football?

penjelasan :

kalimat negative (-) tinggal tambahin not. kalo introgative (?) pasti pake tanda tanya.

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