Jawaban Soal "1.what Did The Dog Do In The Bank Of The River? A.the Dog Looked Down Into The River Water B.the Dog..."

Nah .. Jika kamu ingin menemukan jawaban atas pertanyaan 1.what did the dog do in the bank of the river? a.the dog looked down into the river water b.the dog..., maka teman-teman telah berada di halaman yang tepat.

Kami telah menyiapkan 1 kunci jawaban dari 1.what did the dog do in the bank of the river? a.the dog looked down into the river water b.the dog.... Monggo pelajari cara menyelesaikannya lebih lanjut di bawah ini:

1.what Did The Dog Do In The Bank Of The River?
a.the Dog Looked Down Into The River Water
b.the Dog Ran Off
c.the Dog Saw Another Dog

2.did The Dog Realise It?
a.no,he Didn't
b.yes,he Did
c.yes,he Did,but He Ignored It

Jawaban: #1: Ini jawaban sesuai cerita atau gambar?

Standard Schnauzer | Dog Breeds at myPetSmart.com

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