Jawaban Soal "Descriptive About Dog"

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Oh ya, kami telah menyusun 1 cara menjawab atas descriptive about dog. Okey, langsung saja baca cara mengerjakannya lebih lanjut di bawah ini:

Descriptive About Dog

Jawaban: #1: My Rottweiler Dog
I have a dog. He is a Rottweiler dog named Rogger. As another type of Rottweiler, Rogger has large size. If he stands up, his height is about 55 to 75 cm measured up to his shoulder and his weight is about 37 to 44 kg. He has large size because it is generally the type of Rottweiler dogs that always has the great body. Rottweiler dog is commonly used as a working dog. In his origin region in German, this dog is usually used to keep a cattle from wolves and foxes. My dog Rogger has a short fur that is attached to his skin, the texture is very thick and black. Rogger also has a dark brown and light brown shadow around his cheeks, chest, legs, and around his eyes. His tail is short because the tail has been cut by my father since he was puppy. His face looked very fierce and terrible. Rogger also has a very strong jaw. When his mouth opens, his big pointy teeth will appear. Then, the things that I love the most is his authoritative and very loud barking. It can frighten the strangers who heard his voice. Therefore I make him as a guard dog in my house.

Rogger placed in a large cage in front of my house. Rogger love being invited to walk around the complex of my house. My parents and I often take him a walk, especially in the afternoon. He is very excited to be invited to play. Whenever he get from the cage out, he will be very happy by bounding around the people who take him out of the cage.

Rogger really love to eat. He can spend 3 pounds of meat every day. I always feed him 3 times a day in every morning, noon, and night. I also always give him vitamins to keep his health and also rabies injections once a year. Rogger is so strong. In fact, he was able to pull a car that was tied in his body. Because of his power, I feel so hard to put him in the cage. Even I need my father and brother help to pull him into the cage every afternoon.

Standard Schnauzer | Dog Breeds at myPetSmart.com

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